The Internet offers many resources that can provide supplemental information on flies that may be of value to our customers and partners. Some of those sites that we have found interesting and useful are listed here. If you have other candidate links to bring to our attention, please contact us and let us know what they are and why you like them.
- The Diptera Site
The BioSystematic Database of World Diptera (BDWD) is a source of names and information about those names and the taxa to which they apply. The BDWD is a set of tools to aid users in finding information about flies. The two main components of the BDWD are the Nomenclator and the Species database. - Dipterists Forum
The Society for the study of flies (Diptera) Affiliated to the British Entomological and Natural History Society (BENHS) -
An interactive site for dipterists and all aspects of dipterology (the study of Diptera: flies and midges)