What we offer

Value and savings 

We regularly save clients hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars. How? Many times each day we are able to calm fears as we report that the suspected ‘bed bug’ was something of far less concern. Many kinds of creatures found in the home or office can be managed by inexpensive means. Why pay for services that might not be necessary?

The information we provide may also prevent you from unnecessarily treating your home with pesticides. Our guidance and fast service can offer you peace of mind. Our clients (whether they are homeowners, tenants, building managers or others) regularly report to us that the minor cost to evaluate their specimen was the ‘best money they’ve ever spent’

Know thy enemy 

Before you go into war against a pest, you should know who or what you are battling. Why? Because the appropriate means to combat one kind of pest are often quite different than those you’d use against another kind. For some bugs, a vacuum cleaner or a broom is the method of choice. For others, carefully chosen and targeted pesticides may be wise. In yet other cases, broad-spectrum insecticides, applied throughout the dwelling by a licensed professional, may be the most logical choice. So, be sure you know who or what you are battling before you spend your hard-earned money. Pest management services can easily cost many hundreds (or thousands) of dollars. Hiring a licensed pest management professional is often the wisest choice if you’re battling bed bugs or certain other pests. Before you commit to such costs… and to the application of pesticides… it is wise to independently confirm the identity of the pest. That's how we can help you.

We’re independent 

Not all pest control professionals have experts on hand that can identify a broad array of pests. Many don’t have the necessary expertise or equipment, and customers often worry that there may be a bias for them to sell services that may really be unnecessary. IdentifyUS serves you by providing independent confirmation of the creatures you’ve found.

Educational focus 

Our educational website, formerly hosted at the Harvard School of Public Health, was visited by many millions of visitors, and thousands have written to offer their appreciation of our calm, helpful and easily understood information and guidance. We've updated that information and now offer it here in a new and improved format on our website for your benefit.


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© 2022-2024, IdentifyUS, LLC  •   Needham, MA  02494