Richard J. Pollack, PhD - President and Chief Scientific Officer
IdentifyUS, LLC pest identifications and guidance services are performed by Richard J. Pollack, Ph.D. Dr. Pollack has earned degrees in Entomology (B.S.) from Cornell University, Medical Parasitology (M.Sc.) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Parasitology (Ph.D.) from the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as a public health entomologist at the Harvard School of Public Health since 1988 where he engaged in research and offered instruction on diverse public health pests and pathogens locally and internationally. He also has held academic appointments at Boston University, Tufts University and MIT.
Dr. Pollack has consulted for, and provided training to, a broad range of health/public health, housing and education agencies/organizations as well as for private businesses across the country and abroad. He has delivered keynote addresses and made professional presentations for international, state and regional scientific and pest control conferences, and has provided expert witness testimony in numerous cases pertaining to pest-related injuries and damages. His advice is frequently sought by manufacturers, as well as packagers and providers in the pesticide, pharmaceutical and food industries. Furthermore, he is regularly requested to offer guidance on pest control by property management companies, owners, tenants, the hospitality industry, schools, hospitals and other health facilities, as well as for legal counsel. Dr. Pollack has evaluated tens of thousands of real and presumed pests for medical professionals, educational and professional clients, and for members of the general public.
Although he has served (and may continue to serve) on technical and scientific advisory boards, he neither holds financial interest in the companies nor endorses any product. His views and conclusions are, therefore, independent of manufacturers, vendors and suppliers of services, and they do not necessarily reflect those of any academic institutions with which he is affiliated.

Peter Nelson - Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer

Peter is co-founder of IdentifyUS, LLC and has responsibility for the IT infrastructure, web technology and mobile applications supporting IdentifyUS operations. Peter has been involved in the development of information technologies for over 20 years with a focus on technology solutions for the public health field. His experience includes the design and development of several commercially successful software programs and mobile field data collection solutions, including the Vector Control Management System (VCMS) product suite – a standardized and integrated database, GIS and mobile field computing platform for the mosquito/vector control industry. The VCMS product suite was originally funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of a successful SBIR Phase II software commercialization effort and was acquired by Clarke Mosquito Control a global leader in the public health services field. Peter was also instrumental in the design, development and implementation of the Rapid Data Management System (RDMS), the product suite that has helped drive the growth of Global Relief Technologies as a global clearing house for disaster management and humanitarian relief efforts.
Now Peter is overseeing the development of a new mobile field data collection and reporting architecture for IdentifyUS's telehealth initiatives that promises to streamline the process of identification and visual evaluation for a growing base of customers in need of timely, independent and objective species identification and analyses. Please contact Peter if you have a product or skill appropriate to the development and implementation of visual search and identification technologies or expertise.