Each kind of mosquito is dependent upon certain specific habitats, and the female lays her eggs in those sites that will support development of her offspring. For example, many kinds of Aedes mosquitoes exploit small containers such as cans, bottles, buckets, tree holes and discarded tire casings. Yet other kinds of Aedes are most abundant in river flood plains. Many members of the Anopheles group tend to thrive in semi-permanent fresh water habitats, and others are focused on puddles, tire tracks and construction borrow pits. Some Wyeomyia are found solely in the water within pitcher plants, and those of Coquillitidia most often develop beneath cattail plants. Many kinds of Culex mosquitoes exploit organically polluted water in storm drains and sewers. Because adult mosquitoes are relatively weak flyers, they tend to be most abundant near the aquatic habitats where they developed. People tend to be their own worst enemies by creating habitats for diverse kinds of mosquitoes, and by failing to erect reasonable barriers to keep them away. For instance, the area around a typical home may produce hundreds of mosquitoes per day from water-filled roof gutters, buckets, disused pools, toys, tires and other such objects. Without suitable screens, many of these mosquitoes readily enter the home and pester the residents within.