Joan Edelstein, MSN, DrPH, RN


Joan Edelstein has extensive experience as a clinician and educator in maternal/child health as well as community health. She is the Coordinator of the School Nurse Credential Program at California State University, Sacramento and was a Professor of Nursing for 22 years at San Jose State University. From 2005 to 2008, Dr. Edelstein worked for the Alameda County Public Health Department in a jointly funded position with the Oakland Unified School District as Health Services Coordinator. During that time, she researched and presented an evidence-based head lice policy to the board, which was accepted and has become a model policy both nationally and internationally. This policy change received coverage on NPR and serves as a model no-exclusion policy for those wishing to change district policy to one that is evidence-based. Dr. Edelstein has presented internationally on changing lousy policies in school districts. She received her MSN in pediatric nursing and PNP certification from Yale University, and received both an MPH and DrPH in maternal/child health at UC Berkeley School of Public Health.

As a Contributor as well as friend and colleague to IdentifyUS, Joan has participated in some our our head lice webinars and collaborates regularly on related school head lice policies. Thanks for sharing and helping out!

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